Since 1990
Rad Amusements the onsite Pinball machine and arcade game servicing specialists
We are the go to company for on site servicing of anything amusement related that has a coin mechanism.
Pinball Machine Repairs Melbourne and Arcade Game Repairs Melbourne in home consultancy is what we do.
We specialise in pinball machine repairs however videogames and arcade games, air hockey tables, skill testers, simulators, daytona, buck hunter etc are well within our skill set.
Our primary on site specialist Ben AKA Doctor Pinball does house calls 6 days a week most weeks. When he arrives at your home, The Doctor comes equipped with a purpose built mobile workshop chocked full of specialised tools, parts, spare boards and pretty much everything required to diagnose and repair your game.
If more extensive surgery is required Doctor Pinball Repairs come back sometimes with a second technician to bring your pride & joy back to life or for a full birthday to make it play better than it was originally in the box or we may take it back to our operating theatre and returned home after post op procedures are completed.
Whilst most of our clients live within the Melbourne metro area, it is not uncommon for Doctor Pinball Repairs to travel to regional areas of Victoria, interstate and even overseas to bring Pinball machines back to life.

Next Steps...
Need to book in your amusement machine for some radical surgery contact Dr Pin now by clicking this button—->